With the advent of the internet, Jeff Rosenfeld has brought his renown SAT tutoring service online. Jeff has been a high school teacher in New York City, preparing students after school hours for over 25 years. His students have averaged a total score of 1240 over that time.
The SAT program is 20 lessons, with the first 10 lessons on test taking techniques. The latter 10 lessons are a conventional review of prior SAT's. During the first 10 lessons, Jeff's students learn decision making techniques, ways to narrow down choices, and how to make an "educated choice." Throughout the course, Jeff will drill students in math skills and a systematic procedure of doing many verbal and percentage problems. Jeff is currently in the process of writing a book, Preparing for the SAT, using his techniques. It's completion is expected for the Spring of 2001 enabling many more students to take advantage of Jeff's techniques.
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